Shelter-in-Place Hazardous Materials
Shelter-In-Place simply means seeking immediate shelter inside a building. This action may be taken during a release of toxic chemicals, biological or radioactive materials to the outside air or other emergency. If the outside air quality is threatened or compromised, sheltering in place keeps you inside an area offering more protection. Although rarely called for, Shelter-In-Place events usually last only a few hours. Emergency supply kits of food, water, and other items can be used during Shelter-In-Place events.
Immediate Shelter-In-Place:
- When the release is nearby and the need to seek shelter is immediate.
- Stay inside a building.
- If outside, enter nearest building.
- Remain in place until advised by emergency personnel that it is safe to leave.
Delayed Shelter-In-Place:
- When a release occurs off campus and there is time (30 minutes or more) to move people to large, enclosed areas.
- See list of delayed Shelter-In-Place locations, Shelter-In-Place Annex (page 5) .
- Follow directions of emergency personnel to move quickly to a delayed Shelter-In-Place location.
- Remain in place until advised by emergency personnel that it is safe to leave.
Delayed Shelter-In-Place Locations:
In addition to buildings with remote HVAC shutdown/start up capabilities, the following buildings (listed by name and number) are recognized as delayed Shelter in Place locations:
- Zone C1: Student Center / Gateway
- Gateway Study Center, Building 101
- Langson Library, Building 102
- Student Center, Building 113
- Zone C2: Social Sciences / Law / Business / Education
- Berkeley Place, Building 4
- Social Science Lecture Hall, Building 212
- Business Unit II, Building 221
- Social Behavioral Sciences Gateway, Building 214
- Zone C3: Engineering / ICS
- Engineering Lecture Hall, Building 305
- McDonell Douglas Engineering Auditorium, Building 311
- CaliT2, Building 325
- Zone C4: Physical Sciences
- Physical Sciences Lecture Hall, Building 411
- Parkview Classroom Building, Building 403
- Natural Sciences II (office wing), Building 402
- Zone C5: Biological Sciences
- Schneiderman Hall, Building 501
- Science Library, Building 520
- Zone C6: Humanities
- Krieger Hall, Building 600
- Humanities Hall, Building 601
- Zone A7: Arts
- Winifred Smith Hall, Building 710
- Claire Trevor Theatre, Building 711
- Zone B8: School of Medicine
- Tamkin Student Lecture Hall, Building 831
- Zone A9: Athletics
- Bren Events Center, Building 901
- Crawford Hall, Building 903
- Zone F1 and F2: Research Park
- Current leased office space in Research Park
- Zone G5: University Hills
- University Hills Community Center, 1083 California Avenue
- Zone E1: ARC
- Anteater Recreation Center, Building 680
Air handling systems in buildings listed in the above section will be secured by designated Facilities Management personnel.
Information Sources include, but are not limited to:
- ZotMail and zotALERT text messages will be sent campuswide.
Additional Procedures:
- Move to floors above ground level. Shelter-In-Place in an interior room without windows or with the least number of windows.
- Shut and lock all windows. Shut exterior and interior doors. Limit use of telephones to emergency calls only.
- If in a laboratory, reduce all operations to a safe condition as quickly as possible. Follow instructions of Lab Manager or Principal Investigator.
- Do not use elevators. Movement of elevators pumps significant amounts of air in and out of the building.
- Many buildings’ ventilation systems are remotely controlled by Facilities Management. If necessary, locally turn off heat, fans, air conditioning, or ventilation systems. Close vents as you are able.
- Make yourself comfortable. Look after one another.
- Building facility managers will be advised of the all-clear.
- Open doors and windows.
- Return ventilation system to normal operations.