Bomb Threat
Bomb threats usually come on the telephone and are generally made by individuals who want to create an atmosphere of general anxiety or panic. All bomb threats should be assumed to pose a dangerous situation to the UCI campus population.
By Telephone:
- Take the caller seriously, but remain calm.
- Ask a lot of questions. Use the checklist below as a guide.
- Take notes on everything said and on your observations about background noise, voice characteristics, etc.
- If possible, get a co-worker to call UCI Police Emergency while you continue talking to the caller.
- Call UCI Police 9-1-1 immediately after the call.
- Notify your supervisor/department head.
- UCI Police will determine if evacuation is necessary. If you do evacuate, take your personal belongings with you and move to an evacuation assembly area. If weather conditions permit, it may be preferable to move to another building.
- Do not re-enter the area until instructed to do so.
BOMB THREAT REPORT - Questions to Ask
- When is the bomb going to explode? ___________
- Where is it right now? __________
- What does it look like? __________
- What kind of bomb is it? __________
- What will cause it to explode? __________
- Did you place the bomb? _____ Why? _______________
- What is your name? __________
- What is your address? __________
Exact wording of the threat: ________________________________________
Caller’s Voice: (Circle all that apply)
Calm |
Nasal |
Slow |
Raspy |
Loud |
Angry |
Stutter |
Excited |
Rapid |
Deep |
Soft |
Clearing Throat |
Laughter |
Normal |
Slurred |
Distinct |
Deep Breathing |
Crying |
Accent |
Disguised |
Lisp |
Ragged |
Cracked Voice |
Familiar |
If voice is…
FAMILIAR, who did it sound like? ____________________
ACCENTED, was it Local, Foreign, Regional? Describe: ____________________
DISTINCTIVE, in what way? ____________________
Gender of caller: ____________________Age: ____________Length of Call: ____________________
Number at which call was received: _________________Time: ____________________
Background Sounds: (Circle all that apply)
- Street Noises
- Animal Noises
- PA System
- Voices
- Static
- Local
- Factory Machinery
- Long Distance
- House Noises
- Cell Phone
- Music
- Booth
- Motor
- Office Machinery
- Airport Noises
- Bus/Mass Transit Noises
- Other
Threat Language: (Circle all that apply)
- Well Spoken (Educated)
- Incoherent
- Taped
- Obscene/Foul
- Message Read by Threat Maker
- Irrational
- Rambling