Secure-in-Place Police Activity
A Secure-In-Place notification may be issued when the UCI Police Department determines that there is a potential threat to the campus. When notified to Secure-In-Place, initiate action immediately. Take ALL zotALERTs seriously. You will be safest by placing a locked door or other barricade between you and the associated violence or danger.
How do I Secure-In-Place?
- Find an interior room and lock or barricade the doors.
- If there are other employees, students/visitors with you or in the vicinity, tell them to go to the closest office/classroom/lab/residence hall.
- To minimize vulnerability, turn off lights, silence phones, and draw blinds.
- Move away from doors and windows.
- Move/use furniture to provide added protection.
- Follow instructions from police, fire, building facility manager, and other first responders.
- DO NOT leave until an all-clear message is received.
What if I am outside?
- If you are outside during a Secure-In-Place emergency you should seek shelter in a nearby building.
- If you are unable to get inside a building, seek nearby shelter, e.g. large trees, walls, cars in a parking lot/garage, away from the danger area (if known).
- Follow instructions from police, fire, building facility manager, and other first responders.
- Stay sheltered until an all-clear message is received.
What if I am in a classroom or lecture hall?
- Notify class of “Secure-In-Place” order (students, if your professor or TA does not see the alert – notify them).
- Lock or barricade the doors.
- Turn off lights, silence phones, and draw blinds.
- Move away from doors and windows.
- Move/use furniture to provide added protection.
- Follow instructions from police, fire, building facility manager, and other first responders.
- DO NOT leave until an all-clear message is received.