If Inside:
- DROP down to the floor.
- Take COVER under a sturdy desk, table, or other furniture. If that is not possible, seek cover against an interior wall and protect your head and neck with your arms. Avoid danger spots near windows, hanging objects, mirrors, or tall furniture.
- If you take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture, HOLD ON to it and be prepared to move with it. Hold the position until the ground stops shaking and it is safe to move.
- Do not run outdoors.
- Do not use elevators.
- Follow directions of emergency personnel.
If in a crowded Stadium, Theatre, or Lecture Hall:
- Remain in your seat, protect your head and neck.
- Do not rush for the exits.
- Follow the directions of emergency personnel.
If in an Elevator:
- If power fails, elevators will stop and lights will go off.
- Be patient. Emergency personnel will rescue you as soon as possible.
If Outside:
- Move to a clear area if safe to do so. Avoid falling hazards.
- Drop, cover, and hold in an open area. Protect your head and neck.
- Follow directions of emergency personnel.
If in a Vehicle
- Pull over and stop in a clear area. Avoid overpasses, power lines and structural hazards.
- Stay with your vehicle.
If inside a campus building:
- Expect aftershocks over the next hours or days.
- Check yourself and others for injuries. Report any injuries to supervisor or emergency personnel.
- Use your training to provide first aid, use fire extinguishers, clean up spills, etc.
- Assess your surroundings, check for damage and hazardous conditions. Report them to supervisor or emergency personnel. Phone systems may be severely impacted. Limit phone use to emergency calls only.
- DO NOT EVACUATE AUTOMATICALLY. Outdoor hazards may be greater than indoor hazards.
- If asked to evacuate to assembly areas, move swiftly. Grab keys, personal items, and emergency supplies only if convenient and safe to do so.
- Follow directions of emergency responders.
- Do not re-enter until told it is safe.
If outdoors on campus:
- Stay clear of buildings, trees, or other falling hazard areas.
- Move to evacuation assembly areas.
- Follow directions of emergency personnel.