Zone Captain Roles and Responsibilities

What is Zone Crew?

According to the Clery Act and Cal/OSHA standard Title 8, Section 3220 every college and university is mandated to have a campus evacuation plan, department emergency action plans, identified assembly areas, and other emergency procedures. These regulations also require that faculty, staff, and students know what to do and where to go in the event of a campus emergency.

The UCI Zone Crew is comprised of building facility managers and volunteers across campus that will help facilitate building evacuations in an emergency. The campus is divided into 29 zones, each with designated Zone Captains or Building Coordinators. Zone Captains oversee each zone and work closely with our designated Building Coordinators to assist them.

Campus Zones:

Reporting Structure

  • Reports to: Zone Crew Manager
    3 tier roles and responsibilites

Responsibilities before an Emergency:

  • Annual time commitment: 4-8 Hours
  • Know your roles and responsibilities as Zone Captain and be familiar with UCI emergency response procedures
  • Stay in contact with Building Coordinators
  • Coordinate annual drills with Zone Crew, Emergency Management, and EHS school coordinators (can be Zone-wide, or building specific)
  • Prepare a personal emergency kit and make a family emergency plan for you and your family
  • Attend Annual Zone Crew Meeting
  • Register your cell phone to receive zotALERT text messages

Responsibilities During an emergency or drill:

  • If possible, monitor and assist with building evacuations to assembly areas
  • If possible, communicate any known injuries or individuals needing assistance to first responders
  • Serve as point of contact for and coordinate zone activities
  • Once you receive the all-clear from the first responders (police or fire personnel/OCFA), inform BCs, staff, faculty or students and assist in re-entry into buildings
    • If Police/Fire personnel are not on site, call Dispatch x5223 and ask if it’s “all clear”, inform BCs and assist in re-entry into buildings

After the incident:

  • Participate in debriefing and development of lessons learned with Emergency Management Director